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Name: Joylin Mutsaa
Surname: Joylin
Nickname: Joylin
City 1: Harare
City 2: Bulawayo
City 3: Gweru
City 4: Mutare
City 5: Kwekwe
City 6: Kadoma
Country: Zimbabwe
Phone number: 0777324160 / 0714383272


Joylin Mutsaa
A disciplined, dependable and self-motivated young lady who possesses strong organizational and communication skills with an intense passion for quality.
Joylin is "result oriented" She strives to work hard and put her best foot forward in ensuring she satisfies the customer's needs and delivers accordingly. She holds excellent communication skills that leave a positive imprint that can be traced and emulated by both the customer and the organization she becomes a part of.
Fun Fact
A famous quote by Mahatma Gandi which says
A customer is the most important visitor in our premises. He is not dependent on us, we are dependent on him. He is not an interruption to our work, he's the purpose of it. He's not an outsider on our business, he's a part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so
gets me going....