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Name: Kundai Ethel Simbi
Surname: Simbi
Nickname: Simbi
City 1: Harare
City 2: Bulawayo
City 3: Gweru
City 4: Mutare
City 5: Kwekwe
City 6: Kadoma
Country: Zimbabwe
Phone number: +263 772 277 459


Sales Agent Name
Kundai Ethel Simbi
An effective young lady with sharp skills meant for effective execution of duties. A goal oriented person, always ready to listen to customer's needs and propose solutions. I'm eager to meet new people and welcomes every opportunity for new business relationships.
Why choose me 
I'm a goal achiever, provide service in the execution of my duties and responsibilities. I can easily build rapport with all types of people, whether on the phone or in person. 
Fun Fact
I love to explore and find what best suits people of different age groups. I enjoy online shopping and value helping people to navigate through applications. I'm a conversationalist who thrives to create a warm, welcoming and relatable environment for everyone.

Kimberly Mason

Customer Service, Google